Future Plans

The Eden Projects take on the initiative Link Here

There are two groups involved (separately) in the Boomhall regeneration.

Is a plan to transform the banks of the River Foyle, linking the Boom Hall and Brook Hall estates and giving public access to previously inaccessible land. This is part of the Foyle River gardens Project.

which has charitable status set up to challenge the Eden Projects proposal and suggest a more local approach to the venture.

It's great news that two organizations are taking an interest in the site.

Transparancy and open discussion is the key to the success of Boomhall and maybe a bit of joining of opinions and skill to see a favourable outcome for the environment, community, tourism and economy.

The Boomhall Trust

Boomhall Trust is a Charitable Trust dedicated to the purpose of conserving and restoring the estate of Boomhall for public benefit.

New Fort George bridge plan 2020